Screaming into the Void

Adrian Manley
3 min readDec 16, 2020

“The End is near, the end is near!” Everyday I would walk past him on my way to work and everyday it was the same raging cry. He was usually standing by the entrance to the subway station on 79th and Broadway and with leaflets in hand yelling out the message. It’s all happening…do you see it? The peculiar thing is I don’t know when I stopped noticing him, I just did.

We cannot begin to say how difficult this pandemic has been on everyone throughout the world but one thing we can clearly see is that not all pandemics circumstances are created equal. As the tech and banking industries continue to see a boom in stock prices and business, the entertainment sector full of its gig workers and “artistic types” along with small business are feeling the sting of a harsh winter which began blowing last March. A full nine months ago. It seems inconceivable that Broadway and touring live performances have been shut down since early in the year but there has been minimal relief from Congress and its minions. Sure there was the PUA and the one time 1200 dollar stimulus for those that qualified but those payments stopped months ago, with no end in sight for this pandemic and certainly no live shows til most likely next summer at the earliest. Let me ask you a question. Do you really think that if all the (pick an industry) but let’s just say, eggs in the world disappeared overnight that the government would take nine months to get them aid and a bailout? If Mitch McConnell had to miss one fried egg sandwich, the egg industry would have a 200 million dollar check by morning. But actors? Musicians? Crew? Lighting? Merchandise? Bartenders? Staff? Dressers?Ushers? Cleaning Crews? Drivers? to name a few…Fuck em.

What the congress both left and right, who by the way just this week voted unanimously to fund the government another week so they can debate some more over a Covid Aid package fail to realize is… hold on did you just read that? Congress couldn’t get its shit straight in the past four months to get a relief bill passed but they unanimously and quickly passed a funding bill so that they could get paid another week to finish their late assignment.

You see, if it ain’t you or your family or friends then it’s sometimes difficult to appreciate the gravity of a situation. I understand that but please for the love of all that is good and true don’t give yourself another weeks pay quickly and then make the gig workers of the country wait four to five months for a couple a hundred dollars. Bitch please. I know with all the news and nonsense filling the void these days it’s hard to hear and respond. We are all tired, but twelve million people are quietly screaming and we must not let their voices be diminished.

My friends are losing their homes. My friends are losing their savings. My friends are losing their ability to feed and clothe their families, some having to use their kids college fund for necessities. Moreover, many of them are losing something much more valuable…their hope.

